Alerts and What to Do

During times when there is a disruption of service we want to keep you updated on when an unexpected line breaks, or when there is planned construction to improve the system. We will always provide instruction and advice during those times.


We will begin installing a 10" transfer line running water from Pump Station 2 and Pump Station 3 (Jasper well) to our Water Plant 1.
This construction should not interrupt water service to our customers.

imageWhen you see a "Boil Water Notice":
A "Boil Water Notice" is advised whenever there is a significant repair to a main water line or if low pressure has occurred. When the signs are present, drinking water needs to be brought to a rolling boil for 2 minutes as a precaution. In lieu of boiling, you may purchase bottled water. When repairs are complete, labs are taken of the water and when it is deemed safe the "Boil Water Notices" are removed. This can take up to 2 to 3 days after the repair.



When water is discolored:
It is recomended that for 5 to 10 minutes you run the outside tap closest to the pipe that brings incoming water from the meter. This should clear any particles out of the line. Do not turn the hot water on until the water is clear. This will keep the hot water heater from filling with discolored water. If the discoloration does not disappear, call the office of C & R, so they can help with this issue.

Date of Event:
When events occur will post here.


Date of Event

When events occur will post here.



Date of Event:

When events occur will post here.
